Selection Of Measuring Conditions for Dew Point Meter (2)

The control of the cooling rate of the mirror surface in dew point measurement is an important issue. For automatic photoelectric dew point meters, it is determined by design, and for dew point meters with manual control of cooling capacity, it is a problem in operation. Because there is a process of heat conduction between […]

Selection Of Measuring Conditions for Dew Point Meter (1)

In the design of the dew point instrument, it is important to consider various factors that directly affect the heat and mass exchange in the dew point process. This principle is also applicable to the selection of operating conditions for dew point instruments that are not highly automated. Here we mainly discuss the cooling rate […]

Resistance-Capacitance Method of Dew Point Meter

 Dew point instrument can directly measure the dew point temperature. Allow a mirror to cool in the humid air of the sample until the moment when dew drops (or ice crystals) appear on the mirror, the average temperature of the mirror is measured, which is the dew (frost) point temperature. The resistance-capacitance method is a […]

Resistance-Capacitance Method of Dew Point Meter

 Dew point instrument can directly measure the dew point temperature. Allow a mirror to cool in the humid air of the sample until the moment when dew drops (or ice crystals) appear on the mirror, the average temperature of the mirror is measured, which is the dew (frost) point temperature. The resistance-capacitance method is a […]

Resistance-Capacitance Method of Dew Point Meter

Dew point instrument can directly measure the dew point temperature. Allow a mirror to cool in the humid air of the sample until the moment when dew drops (or ice crystals) appear on the mirror, the average temperature of the mirror is measured, which is the dew (frost) point temperature. The resistance-capacitance method is a […]

How to Choose a Dew Point Meter?

There are a variety of methods for measuring the dew point (humidity instrument), and their performance and price are very different. This requires us to be careful when selecting the instrument. Not only must we consider the performance and price, but also consider the use of the instrument and the measurement. The type of gas […]

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